
84 Plus is part of a family that has been processing these essential nutrients for decades.

From the Mountains to the Great Salt Lake

Over millions of years, mountain streams have collected a perfect balance of essential minerals in the great Salt Lake. It is suggested that early Native Americans, living in proximity to the lake may have used it as a main source of salt. Our earliest record however begins around 1824, when euro-american mountain men used the richly concentrated Great Salt Lake as their main source of salt.

History of Salt Mining in Utah

According to record, Charley White built the first salt-boiling operation in 1850. Between 1847-1870 the mormon pioneers settled areas around the Great Salt Lake and enjoyed the benefits of bathing in the buoyant water. The water is about 33% denser than regular tap water and has been an interesting attraction from visitors all around the world.

Discovery of mineral nutrients in Salt Lake

In the late 1980’s Hartley Anderson, a resident near the Great Salt Lake, began to learn through newspaper articles by Dr. George W. Crane titled “The Ocean’s 44 Antidotes for Deficiency Ailments” and “Trace Chemicals Essential to the Body”. He discovered that a magnificent reservoir 6x more concentrated in minerals than the sea water being analyzed by Dr. Crane was available and located right in his backyard. From here, he began his own study of the mineral resources available and established a legacy in Utah for supplying these minerals to the world.

84Plus — Established in 2020

Our mission is putting 84 essential minerals back into our diets as nature intended. The process of collecting those minerals from the basin, concentrating them, and then ensuring their purity all with natural methods takes years. But the result is worth it. We supply our customers with the best combination of minerals that our earth has spent millions of years compiling. Without added ingredients or preservatives we product a pure raw product that when added to your product improves overall nutrient concentration immensely.

The Future — Become a part!

Request your product sample today and see what LYTRA can do for you. Become part of our team and our mission by adding these essential nutrients back into our world. Learn more about the powerful impact of these essential minerals here.